Bishop's Lenten Books for 2021

This year, Bishop Susan Bell has chosen to recommend two books for Lent: Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting by Holly Whitcomb and The Way of St. Benedict by Archbishop Rowan Williams.
A source of inspiration for the bishop’s most recent charge to synod, Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting is well suited to a time of pandemic, especially during the season of Lent. This book presents seven spiritual gifts that waiting can teach us: patience, loss of control, live in the present, compassion, gratitude, humility, and trust in God.
The latest work by Archbishop Rowan Williams, is being recommended for individual study as a way growing in one’s faith and discipleship. The Way of St Benedict explores the appeal of St. Benedict's sixth-century Rule and shows it to be a document of great relevance to contemporary Christians and non-believers alike. The book speaks to the Rule's ability to help anyone live more fully in harmony with others while orienting themselves fully to the will of God.
Both books are readily available through online book suppliers at an affordable price.
Canterbury Hils a Forever Memory

Registration Open
Canterbury Hills Virtual Camp registration is now open. Bring the magic of Canterbury Hills right to the comfort of your own home. Each week will offer a variety of activities that encourage spiritual growth, independent play, creativity, and exploration, with opportunities to connect and share with staff and fellow campers. View the dates and themes of each week here to pick the right session for your camper! Each week will also include a virtual group campfire and chapel sessions!
To register, visit the Canterbury Hills website.
Pen Pals
Canterbury Hills Camp is excited to launch a new pen pal program. Campers will be matched with another participant of similar age and interests. Your camper will then receive five pre-addressed, stamped envelopes, and conversation starter cards. What a fun opportunity to meet a new friend who could even become a cabin mate in an upcoming summer! This will be an add on program that is accessible to campers registered in any of the 2021 summer sessions. Select this option while registering online. The pen pal program comes with a one-time $10 fee.


Musical "Song of the Grand"
2023 June 24

Saturday night St.Paul’s Anglican Church was alive with sound of music as the talented artists Robert Brownie, George Hall, Braham Goldhamer, and Iris Rodrigues performed a musical called the “Song of the Grand.” A story set during World War 2 was filled with songs of love, loss and picking up the pieces after war. Guests were treated to refreshments in the new Norval Art Gallery where 14 talented artist have studios.
Happy Birthday Tom!
2023 February 26

55 Boxes of contribution
to our friends in Iqaluit, Nunavut
2021 February 23

55 boxes ready for the drive to Ottawa.

Richard & Ruth, Dagny, Lorrette, George and Lucy.

U-Haul provided truck and some boxes. Loading in progress.
Margaret and Richard

Lorrette, (Grace) Robert, Theresa, Margaret (Holy Rosary) and Richard (St. Paul's). Almost ready for the drive to Canadian North Airline in Ottawa.
Prison Book Ministry
2021 February 25

We will arrange soon to deliver books to Guelph to be included in the distribution to six Southern Ontario correctional facilities. Thank you for your ongoing support. With blessings to each person receiving books.
A small contribution
to our friends in Iqaluit, Nunavut
2020 October 14

This has been a phenomenal collaboration between the parishioners of St. Paul’s Anglican in Norval, Grace Anglican and Holy Rosary Roman Catholic in Milton. What a bounty we have received for our neighbours to the North! Thank you all for your continued support and faith that together we can not only do better but we can do more! May God Bless each person who has supported the effort, the transport and all who will be recipients.
The collection of items will be transported to Ottawa by truck once that is arranged. The Canadian North Airline will fly to Iqaluit, Nunavut to deliver to a women’s shelter to distribute there. After, the remaining items will be delivered to a men’s shelter.
Special thanks as well to Dagny and Ken, Joan, Lindsay, Barb, George and All Saints Anglican Church, King City, Ivano Manias, Richmond Hill.

Worship from Home
2020 March 29

We are in a strange time. We are unable to physically worship together due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It can seem scary and lonely. But, this past Sunday, we prayed together. We may not have been physically together under one roof, but we were together. Look at the collage below.
Our parish stained glass surrounded by all of you. We are together, united in prayer.
World Day of Prayer
2020 March 6

Informed Prayer. Prayerful Action. Christians from over 170 countries come together each year, uniting on a common day to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children. The World Day of Prayer movement has been active for nearly 100 years. Generally celebrated on the first Friday of March, each year a different country writes the worship materials. This year, the writing country is Zimbabwe: "Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk".

Zimbabwe Facts:
* Collapsed economy
* Uncontrolled inflation
* Rural unemployment > 90%
* 25% of children are orphaned
* 50,000 child-headed households
* 1/3 children under 5 are stunted due to chronic malnutrition
Rural Zimbabwe:
* No running water or electricity
* Hunger and poor nutrition
* Poor health, disease, and disability
* Almost no health care
Moments of celebration

Very well received speaker Natalie Watson, co-founder of Bopoma Villages in Zika, Zimbabwe, talking about the situation there and her work with woman and children, especially in the areas of clean water and food production in Zimbabwe.

Ruth Mills taking a reading at World Day of Prayer observance in Norval

Thirty-six people present, from local Anglican, Presbyterian, United, Orthodox and Catholic parishes

Lay Reader Mary Churchill taking a reading

Moment for silent prayer and confession
After renovation at St. Paul's
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
2020 February 16

Our church now has new pews. What is even more important is all of the lovely, warm people picture above, who fill those pews.
Renovations at St. Paul's
2020 January 20 - February 16

The new carpet and pews look great after install.
Heartwarming memories from our
Christmas Eve Service
2019 December 24

Fourth Advent Sunday
2019 December 22

At one level today’s gospel is about Mary and Joseph but at another level it is about you and me. It is about us becoming more open and receptive, more empting ourselves in this final week of Advent so that we all might give birth to God’s Son in our time and our culture.
Third Advent Sunday
2019 December 15

Rejoice in the Lord always because The Lord is near!
Second Advent Sunday
2019 December 8
St Paul's Anglican Church in Norval was inspired to help our Canadian Armed Forces with their request for cards and letters to soldiers, sailors, and airmen stationed anywhere in the world and who would not be home for Christmas.

Tom Pettingill, Veteran of the Second World War, delivered 1000 letters to postmaster Sgt. Micheal Hemmingsen, CFB Trenton Base
First Advent Sunday
2019 December 1

First Sunday of Advent
Montgomery Christmas
2019 November 30

The Bishop's Company
2019 November 29

Bishop Susan Bell's greeting words

Bishop Susan Bell and Rev. Audrius Sarka

Kathy Gastle and Mary Churchill
Remembrance Day Service
2019 November 10

We will remember them...

Tyler Nicholson Groves performing the Last Post
145th Synod of Niagara
2019 November 8-9

Charge to the 145th Synod of the Diocese of Niagara

Rev. Audrius Sarka and Mary Churchill
Mary Churchill with the Bishop Bill Cliff
All Souls Day Sunday
2019 November 1

Candles for our loved ones

We are singing in communion with our loved ones
We are packing again:
destination Montreal
2019 October 15

Left: Dylan Langer, Don Simmons van is packed

Dylan with Grampa Langer
Thanksgiving Sunday
2019 October 13

Gathering around the table after Thanksgiving worship with our guest Sister Catherine from St. Elias The Prophet Ukrainian Catholic Church
Kathy Gastle
on receiving
The Order of Niagara
2019 October 6

With Bishop Susan Bell in Christ's Church Cathedral in Hamilton

Kathy and George Gastle

After Celebration
Rev. Audrius Sarka, Kathy and George Gastle

Our support team from Norval
Front: Rev. Peter Barrow, Kathy Gastle, Isabel Gombocz, Ruth Mills, Sheila Escoffery, Mary Churchill. Back row: George Gastle, Richard Mills, Tom Pettingill, Sharon, Rick & Sandra Vidug, Rev. Audrius Sarka.
Order of Niagara Statement
Kathy was raised in Norval (Halton Hills) and is the third generation of her family to have membership in St. Paul’s. She has been a lifelong, ongoing participant and leader in all aspects of the church’s life including – altar guild, A.C.W., parish council, choir, property rentals and church warden. Kathy has provided stewardship leadership in all church fundraising initiatives, among them the Christmas Bazaar, a highlight at the beginning of Norval’s Christmas season. Kathy is currently the People’s Warden.
In addition to church participation, Kathy has been keenly involved in her community for many years. Her contributions have been several and varied. They include membership in the Halton Hills Heritage Foundation, the Norval Community Association, and the Norval Women’s Institute. After obtaining grant monies, Kathy organized and led Norval’s Canada 150 celebrations. She is also a member of the Lucy Maud Montgomery Heritage Foundation, making sure we all know about the author of Anne of Green Gables. Kathy was an elected member of the Halton Hills town council for nine years and served a term as the town’s Mayor in the early 2000s.
Kathy continues to strive to make her community a better place to live. An old saying goes: If you want something to get done, ask a busy person to do it. Her name would be Kathy Gastle.
Kairos Blanket Exercise
2019 September 29
This is an experimental learning activity.Participants will take on roles of Indigenous peoples of Canada. Standing on blankets that represent the land, they walk through pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization and resistance.

St. Paul's Parish Hall- Cultural Days September 29, 2019

Kairos Blanket Exercise
Montgomery Christmas
December 2018

Norval United Church Brass Band 2018.
Anne of Green Gables with Carter family children
St. Paul's Church Bazaar

Craft Table
St. Paul's Advent

First Sunday of Advent December 1, 2018
The Inuit Outreach Project

George English and George Gastle – first IOP delivery

Volunteers preparing for Inuit parcel delivery to the Arctic – George English and George Gastle
Mary Churchill
on renewing

Rev. Malcolm with Mary Churchill
Remembrance Day
Mary Churchill and Olivia Ogwu - Nov 8, 2018 - Bells of Peace were rung to mark 100th anniversary of the end of WWI. ... the signing of the armistice which brought an end to the First World War.