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Musical "Song of the Grand"
2023 June 24

Saturday night St.Paul’s Anglican Church was alive with sound of music as the talented artists Robert Brownie, George Hall, Braham Goldhamer, and Iris Rodrigues performed a musical called the “Song of the Grand.” A story set during World War 2 was filled with songs of love, loss and picking up the pieces after war. Guests were treated to refreshments in the new Norval Art Gallery where 14 talented artist have studios.

Bishop's Lenten Books for 2022

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This year, Bishop Susan Bell has chosen to recommend two books for Lent: Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katharine Hayhoe and A Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen. 

"My two choices for Lenten books are my attempt to redirect our attention to some other deep concerns," says Bishop Susan Bell. "Not that the pandemic is over or not important – but that we must begin to live with its rhythms – and other things must now regain their importance in our hearts and minds."

In Saving Us, Katharine Hayhoe extends an invitation to all of us to engage in small but meaningful conversations with family, friends, and neighbours that connect our shared values and move us to collective action. She maintains that “using our voice is the most important way we can effect change” and the book coaches us in effectively speaking with one another and in so doing, changing the world.

A Spirituality of Fundraising captures Henri Nouwen’s deep-seated belief that “fundraising is first and foremost a form of ministry”; that the discipline of stewardship is about us being invited to participate in the building of God’s community of love. Nouwen’s reframing of our relationship with money is life changing for individuals and for faith communities.

A Year of Children, Youth and Family Ministry 

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Check out the new calendar of events for our diocesan children, youth, and family ministries. Existing programs have been transitioned safely to a virtual platform and we are excited to offer four new ones:


* Junior Youth Connections (virtual youth group for those aged 10-13 years) Virtual monthly meetings; click here for the dates. 

* The Table -  a monthly Zoom gathering for those aged 20 years and older. The group meets to discuss and explore trending topics, life's big questions and spirituality. This casual evening promises to bring laughs, new friends, a sense of community and a safe place to talk. Click here for the dates and time.


* YLTP - the Youth Leadership Training Program is a three year leadership training opportunity to equip young people to take an active leadership role within their parishes and communities as group leaders, committee members, etc. Once you're accepted into Year One (with 12 youth), you're automatically registered for Years Two and Three.

* Why Believe? - For youth interested in exploring the connection between faith and everyday life, that may lead to confirmation; All program participants must complete and submit this Program Registration Form per program. 


For more information about these and other programs or resources, contact:

Sarah Bird (Program Consultant,, CYFM)

905-527-1316 x430




January 18, 2022 —DAY 1

"We observed his star in the East" (Mt 2:2)

January 19, 2022 —DAY 2

"Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?" (Mt 2:2)

January 20, 2022 —DAY 3

"When king Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him" (Mt 2:3)

January 21, 2022 —DAY 4

"And you, Bethlehem... are by no means least" (Mt 2:6)

January 22, 2022 —DAY 5

"Ahead of them went the star that they had seen at its rising" (Mt 2:9)

January 23, 2022 —DAY 6

"They saw the child with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage" (Mt 2:11)

January 24, 2022 —DAY 7

"Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh" (Mt 2:11)

January 25, 2022 —DAY 8

"They left for their own country by another road" (Mt 2:12)

For the daily themes, Scripture readings, reflections and prayers, press the link bellow:


Primate and National Indigenous

Archbishop to host Sunday prayer service for B.C.

November 21 (Sunday) at 5.30 pm, 2021


Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls and National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop Mark MacDonald will host A Vigil for British Columbia. The vigil will be an online national prayer service to lift up all those who have been impacted by the devastating floods experienced recently in the province. Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon released a joint statement yesterday, noting that many “are still living in urgent situations following the extreme rainfall these past few days, stranded, evacuated from their homes, living without power”.

Bishop's Lenten Books for 2021


This year, Bishop Susan Bell has chosen to recommend two books for Lent: Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting by Holly Whitcomb and The Way of St. Benedict by Archbishop Rowan Williams. 


A source of inspiration for the bishop’s most recent charge to synod, Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting is well suited to a time of pandemic, especially during the season of Lent. This book presents seven spiritual gifts that waiting can teach us: patience, loss of control, live in the present, compassion, gratitude, humility, and trust in God.


The latest work by Archbishop Rowan Williams, is being recommended for individual study as a way growing in one’s faith and discipleship. The Way of St Benedict explores the appeal of St. Benedict's sixth-century Rule and shows it to be a document of great relevance to contemporary Christians and non-believers alike. The book speaks to the Rule's ability to help anyone live more fully in harmony with others while orienting themselves fully to the will of God.


Both books are readily available through online book suppliers at an affordable price.

World Day of Prayer
2021 March 5

Cursillo Learners Workshop

Saturdays March 13, 20, 27 from 1:00-4.30 pm


All are welcome to register for this Cursillo Learners Workshop taking place via Zoom on Saturdays March 13, 20, 27 from 1:00-4:30pm. Three days of prayer, talks, worship, and an Ultreya (sharing our faith) is presented by Canadian Anglican Cursillo Secretariat (CACS) and hosted by Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo at no cost to participants.


This is an opportunity to hear about the vision of the founder, deepen our commitment to Christ, and get a clear understanding of our role to make the movement an effective instrument in the evangelization of environments. The workshop has been developed to be relevant for today's world.


Click here for the registration form. Registration deadline: March 6, 2021.


There are plenty of ways to bring nature home to our neighbourhood.


The Butterflyway Project began in five Canadian cities in 2017. A team of volunteer Butterflyway Rangers in each of those cities had a mission - to plant native wildflowers in yards, schoolyards, streets and parks to support bees and butterflies. The goal was to establish local “Butterflyways” by planting at least a dozen pollinator patches in each neighbourhood.

In 2019, the Norval Community Association created a Butterfly garden in McNab Park and in May, 2020 St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Norval was invited to participate in the project as well.  Our Butterflyway Rangers have helped to create and plant butterfly gardens at the north side of St. Paul’s. 


This project has been a tremendous success and not only does it help our ecological system, but it also shows that a small group of residents can make a large impact.  Our communities are greener and healthier.  Opportunities are created and people are connected and working toward a common goal. 


St. Paul’s is proud and grateful to all of the Butterflyway Rangers and their hard work, time and effort in making this project a success.


Join Anglicans from across Canada for a national call to prayer. Light a candle in your window on Sunday, March 29 at 7 pm and as you are able, join us in prayer through the Anglican Church of Canada's face book page. More details and direct links here

Join Us For

Ecumenical Lent Services

Scriptural Way of the Cross

St. Elias the Prophet Ukrainian Church 


April 10 (Friday) at 7.30 pm, 2020

at St. Paul's Anglican Church

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Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Agape Vespers

at St. Elias the Prophet Ukrainian Church

April 19 (Sunday) at 7 pm, 2020

Join us as we celebrate God's goodness through

worship, praise and fellowship!

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St. Paul’s support this ministry that provides reading materials to five adult correctional facilities in southern Ontario.  Donations must be soft cover books (fiction, non-fiction, thrillers and detective novels, sci-fi and fantasy, graphic novels, history, biography, sports writing, travel writing, humour and cartoons, puzzles like crosswords and sudoku, self help, business, technical, trades and vocational, math, science and all school topics including remedial and exercise books, large print, young adult, dictionaries. Geographic magazines from 2004 on) are appreciated.  There is a big need for material in languages other than English. 


For further information contact Richard and Ruth Mills:

September 29th, 4-6 pm

A Blanket Exercise


In partnership with the Norval Community Association, local First Nation, and others - our parish hall will be the location of the "Kairos Blanket Exercise" as part of the Town of Halton Hills Cultural Days. Last year this event was picked as people's choice as the best event in the "Province of Ontario."

Kairos Blanket Exercise - Sunday, September 29 from 4-6 pm Location St. Paul's Parish Hall

Description: This is an experiential learning activity. Participants will take on the roles of First Nation of Canada.
Each person will stand on a blanket that represents the land, and walk through pre-contact, treaty making, colonization and resistance.


No Charge Event but participants must register.

All Souls Day Celebration

For all our loved ones who have departed and found eternal peace. Let's light a candle and send our prayers.

November 1 (Friday) at 10 am, 2019

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145th Synod of the Diocese of Niagara


November 8-9, 2019

"Please uphold the work of our synod and its members in your prayers as we strive to sing a new song through our many ministries, empowered by the Spirit working through us".

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Rechurch Revisited is a one-day conference where lay and clergy leaders of the Diocese of Niagara can learn about, engage with, and grow from an encounter with leaders from local pioneering ministries. We will explore our common foundations, inspire hope for what God is doing in our churches and give permission to dream and to move with the Spirit. This conference will provide a sacred space to begin to look outwards, envision ministry in different contexts and to develop practical next steps for our ministry. 



November 23, 2019


Check-in: 9:00 am

Program:  9:30 to 4:00 pm


St. James, Dundas

(137 Melville Street)



Panel Speakers 


Leanne Friesen, senior pastor at Mount Hamilton, Baptist Church
Leanne has served since 2005. She is a gifted preacher, visionary and storyteller who aims to make her teaching accessible to anyone, especially people who are new to faith or church.

Kevin Makins, founding pastor of Eucharist Church in downtown Hamilton, Ontario
Eucharist is a young congregation, largely made up of younger people on the edge of faith. They aim to follow Jesus by loving their neighbourhoods, taking risks, being creative and participatory, and always gathering at the table. His first book, "Why Would Anyone Go to Church?" will be published Summer 2020. 


Matt Pamplin, church planter of St. Clair Community Church, Hamilton
Matt served in Waterdown in an Associated Gospel Church. St. Clair started with a small group of neighbourhood house gatherings which has grown and reaches out into the community. The church gathers around five practices: eat together, pray together, engage in scripture together, care for each other and serve together.


the Bishop's


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Bishop Susan Bell cordially invites you to a

Wine & Cheese Reception


Friday, November 29th at 7:00 pm


Christ's Church Cathedral

252 James St. North, Hamilton

for an evening of fellowship, music and cheer

featuring a craft brewery and local Niagara winery

$40 for member $50 for guests

Register today at:

or by contacting Mary Anne Grant at 905-527-1316, ext. 380


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A Festival of Lessons & Carols


St. John's Anglican Church

10996 Trafalgar Rd,

Georgetown, ON

L7G 4S5

Sunday, December 18th, 11:oo am

Lessons and Carols is a musical service of scripture and sonng, retelling the story of the journey from Advent into Christmas.

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Father Mark Curtis

Musical Sermon

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December 1 (Sunday) at 7 pm, 2019

Coming Home to the Heart of Christmas, the Gift of Jesus is presented and celebrated in the context of a Sunday service with guest preacher, Father Mark Curtis. Reflecting upon God’s word, combined with songs of the season and prayer, this musical sermon creates an opportunity for both young and

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old to stop amidst the hectic pace of the Advent season and remember that it is more than just a time for purchases and parties but a season of prayer and perspective on God’s perfect gift to us, the gift of Jesus. 


Freewill offering gratefully accepted.

Christmas Eve 

Join Us For

Worship Service

December 24 (Saturday) at 4.00 pm, 2022

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Join us as we celebrate God's goodness through

worship, praise and fellowship!

  • Facebook - White Circle

Rev. Audrius Sarka

Interim Pastor


Mr. Richard Mills

Rector's Warden


Ms. Kathy Gastle

People's Warden


Ms. Mary Churchill

Deputy Rector's Warden

Ms. Carol Maybury

Deputy People's Warden

Carol Lee O'Leary

Organist, Music leader

Mr. George Gastle

Sacristan & Inuit Outreach Liaison



14 Adamson St. S.,

Norval, (Halton Hills), ON

L0P 1K0


P.O. Box 309, Norval, ON

L0P 1K0


We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather, and which St. Paul's Church operates is part of the Treaty lands and Territory of Anishinaabe, Huron-Wendat, Iroquois and home to Metis, and was most recently territory of the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation. 

On this day our meeting place is still occupied by many indigenous peoples, First Nation, Metis and Inuit, from across Turtle Island (North America). 

We are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this land, and by doing so give respect to our first inhabitants.

© 2025 by St. Paul's Anglican Church, Norval.

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